International Student who receives the conditional offer letter

How to accept your offer

This page and in your offer, letter include important information about your offer. Please read through these details carefully and make sure that you sign and dated last page and return it to us.

Please complete the Acceptance of Offer Form and return it to OCE as soon as possible if you want to process further. Also attach a confirmation of a deposit payment. For faster processing it can be scanned and emailed.

Please ensure that your personal details and programme details on this letter are accurate. If there is any inaccuracy, please notify admissions by sending an email or telephone +44 1494 256340.

Upon receipt of the forms and the deposit, we will issue a Confirmation of Enrolment letter/final Visa letter, which will be sent to you together with the deposit receipt. These must be presented to the British Embassy/High Commission when applying for a visa. You must read and understand all terms and conditions for short term study route.

Please note that this is a conditional offer of enrolment into the programme. This means that based on information provided to date, the Academic Board has assessed your suitability for the programme and has decided to offer you a place, subject to providing additional documentary evidence (as detailed on the previous page). However, as you are not a national of the UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland you will be subject to immigration control in the UK. This means that you will need to apply for a Short-term study visa and satisfy the requirements of the UKVI as an international student. For you to apply for a Short-term study visa, OCE will need to assign you with VISA LETTER. This can only be done upon your deposit payment being received and verification of documentation required by the UKVI, including the evidence of maintenance (funds). Please note that this conditional offer letter only confirms your acceptance in principle onto the programme and does not constitute an unconditional offer of visa support if/when the conditions are satisfied.

We will only be able to confirm the issuance of your final visa letter upon verification of all the UKVI mandated documents. In the unlikely event that we will tell you that we are unable to issue you with a Visa letter your deposit payment will be refunded in full after deducting three hundred fifty-pound admin fee. This document is NOT valid for the visa purpose!

Please note that the full payment should be made before final visa letter and full fees must be paid before students have any access to OCE facilities, including attending lessons. The student has the right to cancel the course after receiving a conditional offer letter or within 14 days after the payment. No refund after 14 days of enrolment or course start date.

If an applicant decides to withdraw from a course either prior to or during the visa application process an administration charge of five hundred pound will be applied. In the event that, due to Covid-19 related restrictions, or the applicant is unable to start a face-to-face program, please confirm that you would be willing to start the first part of the program online and transfer to the study destination once participating in face-to-face teaching is possible.

The Living costs are in line with the United Kingdom Home Office guidelines for students studying in London/outer London. The living cost should cover accommodation, food, local transport, and other expenses incurred such as study materials.

We strongly advise that if you are facing difficulties in reading and understanding, please seek advice from professionals. You may also translate the text into your preferred language for better understanding.

What happens next?

  1. Interview Once we have received the signed document, we will schedule a brief video interview (Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp). This will be to discuss your choice of course and your plans with it.
  1. Send Payment After a successful interview, we will then request that you send us any missing documents to support your application and payment for the course to finalise everything.
  1. Pre-visa letter Interview questions We will then send you a template of interview questions that you will need to draft. This will help prepare you for the visa application and assist you with the types of questions you may be asked.
  1. Visa letter draft Once we receive the interview questions back and see that your answers are suitable, we will then issue you a visa letter DRAFT. This will include a checklist of documents required for the visa. We will need you to tick the list off, ensuring that you have all the documents listed, sign and date, then return to us.
  1. Final Visa letter Once we receive the signed draft visa letter and appropriate course fee payments, we will issue you your final visa letter which will be stamped and dated by Oxford College of Education. Along with this, we will send all other relevant documents. Once you have received all documents from us, you can then proceed with your visa application. Try to do this without any delay and keep Oxford College of Education updated on the status of the application.

All-important links for students and agents.

1. About us:

2. Student Application form:

3. Student Video Comments:

4. Admissions Process:

5. Visa Application Document checklist:

6. Why Study in the UK:

7. Pre Visa-Letter Interview Questions:

8. FAQs:

9.Pre-Arrival Information for International Students:

10. Term Dates- Academic Year:

11. College Opening time:

12. Student Handbook:

13. Why study in the UK and why join us :

14. Short-term Study Visa: :

15. Standard Visitor Visa:

16. Refund form and policy:

17. Accommodation:



If you do not understand English, we recommend seeking a professional translator who can translate our terms and conditions into your language for you. Alternatively, you can use Google Translate or any other translation tool to understand the terms and conditions before you sign and date them.

All students are required to attend the college induction day. Failure to attend will be considered as a class absence.

If you are still waiting for your visa and are not able to attend your induction day in person, you can participate in the induction day online via Zoom. We will treat it as a regular induction and conduct the class online for you. Once you receive your visa, you can join us in person on campus. Failure to attend the college online induction will result in the student not being entitled to any refund if their visa is refused.

Attending the induction day online shows that the student is keen, serious about their studies, and has the intention to complete their course.

All refund dealings will be handled by the refund team, and students will only communicate via email regarding refunds. The admissions team or any other department will not handle refund inquiries. Students must send a refund application and wait for the college’s response. The college will respond within 12 weeks. If students, parents, or agents send more than 5 emails within the 12-week period, write any abusive or inappropriate language, words, or sentences, the student will not be entitled to a refund.

All refund-related questions, including emails, refund application forms, etc., should be sent to The Refund team will respond to all queries in due time.

Note: The Refund team meets with the management team once a month to discuss and make decisions regarding refund applications. These meetings are held on the last Friday of every month.

The usual refund will be made within 12 weeks or more , unless further verifications and clarifications are required.

For example, if UKVI refused the visa because the documents were not genuine or if UKVI suspected that the documents were created by students/agents, etc., we will not process the refund until it is verified that the documents were not falsified.

If the documents are verified as falsified, no refund will be issued.

By enrolling for a course, you accept that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of enrolment and that you are subsequently bound by these terms.

  1. Once the student has enrolled with the college it is the student’s responsibility to register with any external awarding body for membership and examinations as applicable. The registration procedures and requirements will be provided by the college and the student is responsible for meeting the academic and financial requisites to fulfill such requirements and deadlines. All students must participate in a face-to-face or Skype interview with our admissions team. Any student who receives an Offer Letter must pay a non-refundable sum of three hundred fifty pounds (£350) before the interview. However, this amount will be adjusted with the actual tuition fee upon successful interview. Course fees must be paid in advance before enrolling in the course and fees will not be refunded once the student registers for the course.

  2. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their details and contact details held by the college are up-to-date and accurate.

  3. Your application form and all supporting documents will be held on file and remain confidential.

  4. A student may defer their course start date to the next available term if they are still overseas waiting for their visa.

  5. Student visa approval will be granted provided that the College is informed. The College has the right to refuse deferral for visa students at their discretion.

  6. The College reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time for behaviour which is deemed to be unprofessional, inappropriate, or disruptive to other students and in case of failure to meet academic or financial requirements set by the college. No fees will be refundable for any student dismissed under this section.

  7. The College maintains the right to make changes to the timetable, tutors, or venues, without prior notice. Any alterations will not affect your subjects or qualifications.

  8. At the discretion of the college, we reserve the right to reschedule or cancel courses if the College deems there to be insufficient enrolments. The student will be offered a refund if the course cannot be rescheduled within three months, after deducting a discretionary sum for administration and other costs.

  9. If for reasons outside of the College’s control, the class or course is canceled, the class will be rescheduled.

  10. The College is not liable for loss or damage to student belongings when on college property.

  11. Payment: A student’s place at the College will not be held unconditionally without receiving the payment

  12. Course Transfer: Any student who wishes to change course must submit their request to the Admissions team within the first 3 weeks of the course. The final decision will be made at the discretion of the head of the department.

  13. International students: Courses can be fast-tracked to finish within 6 months, to remain under the short-term study route, and up to 11 months for English courses. Students can register and start courses from their home country and apply to finish any remaining and uncompleted modules, assignments, and exams within 6 months, should a Visa be granted.

  14. Certificates: Where a student passes a course and is entitled to a certificate, the College reserves the right to withhold the certificate where course fees are still outstanding.

  15. Non-Payment of Fees: The College maintains the right to terminate a student’s enrolment at any time during the length of the course who has defaulted on an agreed payment installment.

  16. In case you are unable to pay in full, then you must pay a minimum of £4000 deposit and the Balance must pay after receiving the visa and before traveling to the UK.


Refund Policy of Oxford College of Education in case of VISA Refusal

The Oxford College of Education maintains a consistent Refund Policy for students whose visas have been refused by the appropriate British authority (Home Office). The college follows a strictly time-bound refund policy which a student MUST comply with if his/her VISA is refused. Any deviation or, non-compliance of any student within the timeframe (to be counted as given below) shall allow the College to apply its discretion. In such cases, the College may refuse to make any refund. As per the College policy-

a. A Refund application MUST be made- by the student himself. Signed by the student the application MUST be made within 14 Days of the VISA refusal. The days will be counted strictly from the date on which such a letter (of the Home Office) was issued to the student. The College authority reserves the absolute right to reject applications (of Refund) made after the expiry of the 14th day counting from the date on the letter of refusal.

b. If a student, upon VISA refusal, applies for an administrative review or, appeals- s/he MUST inform the college in writing within seven days of such initiative taken. The student will get another 14 days strictly from the date on which a letter (of Home Office) expressing the result of administrative review, or appeal was issued to the student. The College authority reserves the absolute right to reject applications (of Refund) made after the expiry of the 14th day counting from the date on the letter so issued.

c. The College offers Online English Courses (at a price 30% less than its original value) to students who were refused VISAs and failed in administrative review or, appeal.

d. If the student requires the Final Offer Letter for a second time under any circumstances, a non-refundable £500 admin fee will be applicable. This will be paid in addition to £350 non-refundable admin fees.

e. In case of a VISA refusal for a second time relevant provisions of a and b will apply to the students. In addition to this, any refund application (if approved) will be applied subject to the provisions stated in clause d; No refunds will be made to the non-refundable amounts paid (non-refundable £500 for VISA letter and £350 admin fees).

f. If the Entry Clearance Officer contacts the bank, workplace, agent, referee, friends, or family listed in your application to verify the authenticity of the documents and finds that the information provided is incorrect or does not match what was stated in the application form, or if they are unable to reach these contacts to verify the information, resulting in a visa refusal, you will not be eligible for a refund.

Note: The Refund team meets with the management team once a month to discuss and make decisions regarding refund applications. These meetings are held on the last Friday of every month.

All refund requests must be made in writing by the applicant addressed to OCE and should clearly state the following:

  • Details of the applicant to include reference number & course details.

  • Total fees deposited and the reason for request of tuition fees. Applicant’s bank details including swift codes to receive a refund.

  • All supporting and relevant documents to be returned to the college. The following rules will apply under the given circumstances:

  1. Once the student has arrived in the UK, the student is NOT entitled to a refund. The student is required to attend classes; failure to attend will result in the student being expelled and reported to the authorities due to the conditions stipulated by the visa.

  2. If the entry clearance officer, visa officer, or airport immigration officer conducts a verification of the authentication documents, bank statements, and job reference letter, and discovers false information or inaccuracies, no refund will be issued.

  3. If the entry clearance officer contacts the bank, workplace, agent, referee, friends, and family whose names and details are mentioned in the application to verify the authenticity of the documents and finds that the information provided is incorrect or does not match what was stated in the application form, and as a result, the visa is refused, you will not be eligible to claim a refund.

  4. If a student receives final documentation from the college, such as an admissions letter or visa letter, but later decides not to proceed with their application for on-campus or online education and wants to withdraw their application completely from the college, the student must return all original documents to the college (if received by post) and forward all documentation if received by email. To prevent college misrepresentation, the college may send a student’s documents to the embassy to cross-check that the student did not submit our college documents to the embassy. The college will check and verify with the student to ensure that they did not submit college documentation to the visa officer. If the college finds any false statements or that the student submitted documents for their visa but lied to the college, in this case, no refund will be given. The college will only start checking the withdrawal form and verification after the completion of the intake enrolment (for example, if a student applied for the April 2024 intake and later decided not to proceed, they must wait until the completion of the April 2024 intake enrolment). Refunds will be processed after intake enrolment, and refunds will be made within 12 weeks if the student is eligible for a refund.

  5. Where a student has obtained a visa using the college admissions letter, visa letter, and college documentation, no refunds will be issued.

  6. Where a student has obtained an admission letter or visa but wishes to cancel their course before arrival in the UK or upon arrival at a UK airport is subsequently deported: In such an event, the student is required to approach the Embassy to cancel their visa and obtain a letter from the Embassy to state that the visa has been cancelled. An original visa cancellation letter must be produced. The applicant is then required to submit a refund request letter as stated above. The applicant will be entitled to a 50% refund of the tuition fee paid. This will be processed within twelve weeks of receiving the request letter along with supporting documents.

  7. Where a student has obtained a visa but is deported from any airport because the entry clearance officers are not satisfied with the student’s answers, documentation, or for any other reason, no refund will be issued.

  8. Student enrolling in the UK: Students enrolling locally are not eligible for a refund under any circumstances.

  9. Deception/Fraud: If the applicant or anyone acting on the applicant’s behalf has used fraudulent measures or documents to gain enrolment at OCE or to support their visa application at the Embassy and has been subsequently refused a student visa will be entitled to a refund.

  10. International students can register and start courses from home and then apply for a visa to finish their remaining modules, assignments, and exams. The college will calculate and deduct fees based on the course length, and the number of modules and assignments finished before refunding any residual fees.

  11. Withdrawn Students / Expelled Students: Students withdrawing from their course after arrival or expelled due to misconduct, or failure to meet academic or financial commitments will not be entitled to a refund of any tuition fees paid.

  12. Third-Party Payments: Students must send a signed letter to confirm that they require the refund amount to be paid to a 3rd party if this is required. The letter must include name, address, and bank account details.

  13. The Oxford College of Education provides educational services and is NOT an immigration adviser. The College is not regulated to offer any immigration advice. If you require immigration advice, you should seek independent legal advice as the College cannot and does not offer any immigration advice. A list of government-regulated immigration advisers can be obtained from the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (

  14. The College and its employees are not immigration advisers and therefore the responsibility for the validity and accuracy of a VISA application lies solely with the student. Please note that it is the student’s sole responsibility to ensure that they meet the UKVI REQUIRMENTS.

  15. The College cannot and will not be held responsible for any VISA refusal based on reasons that are within the student’s reasonable control including, the student failing to provide the necessary documents, failing to demonstrate adequate financial support, submitting an incomplete application, false representations being made, or forgery of documents.

  16. Students who have received a Visa by using our college name or documents or if a student’s VISA application is refused due to fault attributable to the student, there will exist no entitlement to a refund under our Refunds Policy.

During the refund processing or until the final decision by the college, any solicitors, candidates, agents, or parents should not misbehave, display aggressiveness, or inflict or threaten violence to any member of staff, either verbally, physically, or in writing. Should the college find evidence of this, no refund will be processed to this student.

  1. During the refund processing or until the final decision by the college, any solicitors, candidates /agents or parents should not put any adverse comments on any social media, public or private forum which may tarnish or defame the reputation of the College. If the college finds evidence of this, any refunds owed will be rendered void. Additionally, the College may take legal action against you /your company.

  2. This Policy must be read in conjunction with the Refund Policy and apply if only understood and agreed. Students’ attention is particularly drawn to the fact that if they fail to apply for a refund 15 days before the Course Commencement Date, they will NOT qualify for a refund.

  3. Students will NOT qualify for a refund where the student has obtained a VISA refusal for false representation being made or forgery of documents.

  4. The course will be delivered either online or in a blended format. International students who wish to undertake our courses and want to visit our campus to study their subject /course or who want to improve their grades /results/assignments under our physical supervision can apply for a Short-Term Study Visa which has a maximum of six- or eleven-months duration.

To cancel your course, you must send an email to stating that you wish to cancel your course. Any purchase also comes with a consumer’s right to a 14-day cooling-off period during which one may change their mind and obtain a full refund after deducting an admin cost of three hundred and fifty pounds.

  1. If a student’s VISA application has been refused (for circumstances other than false representation being made, or forgery of documents) then the fees paid will be refunded less an administration charge of £350 (plus any courier and transfer charges) on production of the following documents:

  • Copy of the VISA refusal letter

  • Copy of the student’s passport showing both a photograph and signature; and

  • Where the payee was not the student, an original authority letter from the student authorizing the repayment to the payee.

  • Where a student has failed to comply with the Refund Procedure, (Bullying – aggressive behaviour-violence -breach refund policy) they will NOT be eligible for a refund save in exceptional circumstances.

  1. If the student decides not to process his application anymore, he can then swap his /her payments to other students as long as both parties agree with refund policies.

  • Student needs to pay the full amount, and the swap amount will be adjusted.

  • The college will not pay any commission for swap students.

  • If the student pays fees in 2/3 instalments (only if the college agrees) swap amount will be added to the last payment.

  • If a student visa is refused and he/she is not entitled to get a refund, but the college decides to swap his/her fees to other students, and if that swap student visa is also refused, the college will not refund the swap amount, but rest of the costs will refund as long as compliance with the refund policy.

  • Once the student gives authority to swap his/her fees to another student, the original student has no right to claim any refund.

  1. The college will verify the student’s documentation before issuing the final Visa letter. If any false document has been submitted to the college, the student will not be eligible to get a refund.

  2. If a student’s initial visa application is refused and the student decides to challenge and do the Pre-Action Protocol / Appeal / or tribunal /or upper tribunal, and the decision is that the documentation was not genuine, no refund would be made.

  3. No refund will be made if a 2nd-time visa is refused because of the false representation.

  4. All our diploma courses are for 12 months. An international student could join our diploma courses online and finish the entire course online. However, if any student wants to visit our UK campus, complete some complicated modules, and attend face-to-face classes on campus, they can do so if they receive a valid visa.

If the Visit to study visa was refused. They can join online to finish the course. The student will pay only online course fees, and the balance will be refunded to the student if they paid campus fees.

  1. Online Course: The student has the right to cancel the course after receiving a conditional offer letter or within 14 days after the payment. The refund will be made after a deduction of admin fees of £350, awarding body registration fees, course materials, class or lesson or assignment brief has already been given. No refund after 14 days of enrolment or payment or course start date. Online short course- No refund after the payment. Students must pay the first-year tuition fee before arrival. If an applicant decides to withdraw from a course either before or during the visa application process an administration charge of five hundred pounds will be applied. This charge is in addition to the non-refundable fees. To enable your applicants to apply and confirm with confidence, we are offering a range of flexible study plans. For applicants unable to get a visa and travel to the UK to start their program at the Centre, our flexible study plans allow applicants to choose how and when they will start and continue their studies with us. In case your visa is refused, and you decide not to pursue any further with learning English courses/diploma courses face-to-face on our UK campus, we can register and enroll you for our online course instead. This online course will be the same as what you applied for to study in the UK and attend classes on campus. We will conduct these classes live via Zoom. We will deduct 50% of the fees since the course is conducted online, and the remaining 50% will be refunded after deducting administrative and registration fees. If you do not agree, please let us know in advance before issuing the final visa letter.

  1. The refund application must be made within the 14 of the visa refusal. After 14 days, we will not accept the application and will not be qualified for the refund.

  2. If the student appealed and lost their case. They need to inform the college immediately, and after 14 days, they will not accept.

  1. If the immigration officer or Court confirmed that the documents were not genuine, the student would not be entitled to a refund.

  1. The college is right to cancel or withdraw student application/enrolment during the application process or the study period at Oxford College of Education for any suspicious activity, documents, or misbehave.

  1. The college is right to cancel or withdraw student application/enrolment if the student cannot provide financial evidence that they have enough money for the course fees, maintenance fund, hotel quarantine (if needed), etc.

  1. If the student misses or forgets to submit all the required documents with the visa application, the visa is refused for that reason. The college will not take any responsibility, and the student will not be entitled to a refund.

  1. If a student’s initial visa application is refused and the student decides to challenge the decision and take the administrative review/ Pre-Action Protocol / or Appeal / or tribunal /or upper tribunal until the final decision comes, students are not entitled to claim the refund.

  1. No refund: If the student faces an interview with the visa officer /entry clearance officer and cannot provide evidence and correct information.

  2. No refund: If the visa officer checks and further investigates and finds incorrect or no response from the referee (for example Bank, employers, school, college, or university, etc).


Declaration I at this moment confirm that the information I have given is correct and complete and that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms, conditions, and refund. I fully understand the entry requirements, fees, suitability, and progression opportunities (where applicable). I also acknowledge that if my agent/ sponsor/guarantor does not pay promptly, I will be required to settle any outstanding fees. I pledge to not discriminate against other candidates or college staff based on race, color, age, gender, faith, or national origin. Unacceptable behavior, violence, and aggression is not acceptable. I am also confirming that I will always follow immigration rules and regulations, and I will return to my country before my visa expires. I also understand that should I withdraw from the course(s) any outstanding payments remain payable and must be paid immediately.

Student full name (Handwriting) Original Handwriting Signature

Student Name:

